

Mandy Maxwell Mooneyham grew up in one of the many tiny rural towns in Arkansas, attending a school even smaller with no art program. Despite these limitations, her passion for art flourished. She taught herself to draw and later paint by meticulously copying the masters from old library books. With a hunger for all forms of art, she also ventured into digital realms, mastering both traditional and emerging digital methods. Her dedication to art led her to Arkansas State University, where she studied printmaking. It was here that she discovered her love for surrealism, eventually culminating in the creation of “The Chrees.”

Beginning with her first Chree, “Such Great Heights,” in 2009, Mandy’s fascination with this unique imagery quickly became an obsession. Nearly a decade later, she fully dedicated her artistic journey to exploring and expanding the world of Chrees. Her work, which symbolizes the interplay between organic growth and structured memories, invites viewers into a deeply personal and reflective narrative.

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Artist Statement

As an artist, my work explores the intricate tapestry of the human mind and its connection to memories and experiences. The visual representation of this concept takes the form of chair-rooted trees, which I call Chrees. (Chair + Tree = Chree)

Chrees are a visual metaphor of the symbiotic relationship between our grounded existence and the boundless growth and transformation of our thoughts. Trees, known for their ability to grow, branch out, and adapt to their environment, capture the essence of the human thought process. And chairs, as everyday objects, represent the constructed nature of our recollections, embodying the framework upon which our memories are built. Each Chree seeks to visually bridge the gap between the organic and the constructed, forming a unique portrait of human existence.

My artwork invites viewers on a journey of introspection and contemplation. Within the realm of Chree, the human mind’s growth intertwines with the organic world, allowing for a deeper understanding of the connections between our thoughts, memories, and the tapestry of existence. It is my hope that through this exploration, my art will evoke a sense of wonder, ignite introspection, and illuminate the profound marvels that lie within the captivating realm of Chree.