Recent Projects

Eye on Independence Cover Feature

Eye on Independence Cover

My work for the indie film, 45RPM, was featured on the cover of Eye on Independence Magazine for Independence Co. Arkansas. There is also an article and interview with director, Juli Jackson, with more artwork inside. I have lots and lots more artwork to add from the 45RPM project, and will as soon as I can. Hope to see you out for the premiere in a couple of weeks!

New Painting: Earthly Pleasures

New painting, Earthly Pleasures, watercolor on paper. 11 x 14 inches.

I snapped a few in-progress shots while I was working on it.

Earthly Pleasures - In Progress - Watercolor by Mandy Maxwell Earthly Pleasures - In Progress - Watercolor by Mandy Maxwell

(The yellow shiny part is mask that was removed.)

2012 Art & Stroll Paragould Poster

I had the wonderful opportunity again this year to create the poster for Paragould’s Art & Stroll art walk. I will have a selection of my work on display for the walk at Sanctuary Yoga Studio on the south end of Pruett Street. Hope to see you out!

Find Art & Stroll on Facebook

Art & Stroll Paragould

Ozark Foothills Film Fest Unveiling Reminder: Tomorrow!

Ozark Foothills Filmfest

Today the official branding I did for the 2012 Ozark Foothills Filmfest went live, you can see it on their website here. The website features the photograph from the poster, and various other background images taken by me. The poster and t-shirt I designed are also featured on the site. Tomorrow, February 21st, I will be in Batesville, AR for the poster unveiling and press announcement. Hope To see you out!

Recent Announcement from FilmFest Headquarters:

Hello, Friends of the Fest.

Just a reminder that this Tuesday, February 21, is the FilmFest schedule release and poster unveiling. It takes place at 11:00 am at the Batesville Area Arts Council Gallery.

This year’s branding artist, Mandy Maxwell from Paragould, will attend. In addition to providing the original photograph used in this year’s official poster, Mandy also did or helped with all the pieces of this year’s branding campaign, including the website, program cover, and t-shirt. She’s spent countless hours working on our behalf; we’re hoping for a good crowd to reward her efforts.

For those of you who have purchased or indicated that you plan to purchase a Foothills Film Society membership, I will bring most of the members’ posters to the unveiling so that Mandy can sign them, if you’d like her to.

Hope to see you there!

Bob and Judy

The Batesville Area Art Council Gallery is located at 246 E. Main St. in Batesville, AR.

Ozark Foothills FilmFest Poster Unveiling Set for February 21

The Ozark Foothills FilmFest will hold its annual Poster Unveiling and Festival Press Conference on Tuesday, February 21, at 11:00 a.m. at the Batesville Area Arts Council Gallery at 246 E. Main Street.

Coffee and scones will be served.

This year’s poster artist, Mandy Maxwell of Paragould, will attend the unveiling and sign copies of the poster, on sale for $10. Maxwell’s work will also be featured in a Batesville Area Arts Council Gallery exhibit from March 9 to March 30. The Gallery’s regular hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The gallery will also be open on Sunday afternoon, March 30; call 870-793-3382 for hours.

The schedule for the 11th annual festival, set for March 28-April 1, will be announced after the unveiling. Screenings will take place at UACCB, Old Independence Regional Museum, and the historic Landers Theater Building. The complete schedule will also be available on the festival website,, beginning February 21.

Ozark Foothills FilmFest is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit founded in 2001. For information call 870-251-1189 or email

Photoshoot: The White Set

The White Set - Photo By Mandy Maxwell

Very excited to finally be able to post these! I had an amazing time with my good friend Lou when she was in town from LA. This is The White Set, there are two more of these that you can expect in the new future. Lots of big things happening now for me, announcements coming soon.  Anywho, continue on to see the rest of The White Set.

45RPM – Production Day

Back in March, Juli Jackson, director of 45RPM movie asked me to be the artist for her film about an artist. We’ve been working hard on some really exciting things coming up soon!  A few weeks ago I was invited to work with Juli on a big production day for the movie. We had a blast and filmed it ALL! Juli just so happened to post the time-lapse feed on her blog for 45RPM. I am really excited about this new project. I have a blog coming up explaining more. In the meantime, check out the video!

Production Day at Headquarters from Juli Jackson on Vimeo.