New Addition to The Ladies series: My Lou

Lou by Mandy Maxwell

This one was created around 2008, but never was put online. I think it definitely was an early part of my The Ladies series. It is one of the few real portraits in my portfolio.. actually it may be the only portrait. This is my good friend Lou, one of the most influential and inspiring people I’ve met. She moved shortly after this painting was produced and I miss her dearly.

Picnic – Newest Painting

Picnic - A Painting by Mandy Maxwell

My latest painting went in a very different direction that other paintings I’ve done recently, kind of storybook, and I like it. It’s also very small, only 6″x9″.  So check out Picnic!

VIDEO Feature For 45RPM – Must See!

Mandy Maxwell - 45 RPM

Go to to see the video!

As we’ve worked on the 45RPM movie project this spring, Juli Jackson the director, has been taking videos of our progress. I was thrilled to see this incredible compilation of videos of me working, synced perfectly to beautiful music. MUST SEE, click the picture above to check it out!


Featured on Does Your Mama Know About ME?

I was honored to be featured in Miss Sarah C.’s style blog. Sarah is a girl I only knew for a short time, but made a lifetime impression. Her posts are some of the most well-written and beautiful articles you’ll ever read. I love following along, and seeing all her gorgeous dresses.

Also, I had the privileged of designing her website. The background was 100% hand created in Adobe Photoshop and took over 20 hours. It was a fun study in shadows and textures. (If your on a small monitor, be sure to zoom out for details!)

Does Your Mama Know About Me?

Every shadow and drop shadow was digitally painted using techniques of chiaroscuro, and keeping in mind the size, texture and height of the object.  The background is a mix of 5 or more photos and textures. Every object was purposely selected to match Miss Sarah’s personality and interests. Each of the papers that make the title Does Your Mama Know About Me were 100% created by me to look like logos, book pieces, coffee cups shards, and more. This was done as a study in fonts. I chose a font and then created a background I thought was fitting.

All together I love the total look. It was both a challenge and an honor to create. Be sure to follow her!

45RPM – Production Day

Back in March, Juli Jackson, director of 45RPM movie asked me to be the artist for her film about an artist. We’ve been working hard on some really exciting things coming up soon!  A few weeks ago I was invited to work with Juli on a big production day for the movie. We had a blast and filmed it ALL! Juli just so happened to post the time-lapse feed on her blog for 45RPM. I am really excited about this new project. I have a blog coming up explaining more. In the meantime, check out the video!

Production Day at Headquarters from Juli Jackson on Vimeo.

New Layout!

New website layout is up and .. functioning. Lots more to come!

Check out the


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