Christmas Cards 2012

For the past couple of years, I have handmade Christmas cards for friends and family. This year I did it again but on a slightly larger scale. Instead of hand painting each card individually, I chose to use a block-print method to print over 50 cards! The results weren’t too bad. I know next years will be even better! Hope everyone who received one enjoys.

Handprinted Christmas Cards


Here you can see the block where the design was carved, and the original sketch of the design.
Handprinted Christmas CardsThis is a card fresh off the press. A roller and printing ink is used.

Halloween Costume 2012

Black Swan Dance

Quick updates with photos from Halloween. I will post more soon.. (AH!) I was the Black Swan for Halloween.

The Black Swan Black Swan Costume 

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Eye on Independence Cover Feature

Eye on Independence Cover

My work for the indie film, 45RPM, was featured on the cover of Eye on Independence Magazine for Independence Co. Arkansas. There is also an article and interview with director, Juli Jackson, with more artwork inside. I have lots and lots more artwork to add from the 45RPM project, and will as soon as I can. Hope to see you out for the premiere in a couple of weeks!

Featured! Brooks Painting Getting Lots of Press

My painting’s appearance in the Brooks Museum of Art is getting a lot of attention. I couldn’t be more proud.

Paragould Premiere Magazine

Our local magazine, the Paragould Premiere wrote a story about me in their August issue.

Mandy Maxwell on the Brooks Museum Blog

The Brooks Museum asked me to write an article about what it is like to have a painting on display in their galleries. It was quite an honor. I’ve grown up going to the Brooks. You can read it here: Mandy Maxwell Realizes Her Dream in Brooks Exhibition.

New Painting: Eyes So Green

Eyes So Green, painting by Mandy Maxwell

New painting, Eyes So Green.
Watercolor on paper. 11 x 14

This painting was inspired by my beautiful friend Jen. You might know her from the other painting inspired by her, Tribes.

Now Showing At Brooks Museum, Memphis

Mandy Maxwell painting at the Brooks Museum

I’m absolutely thrilled to have my work on display at the prestigious Brooks Museum of Art in Memphis. My painting, Great Heights was selected to be in the show, If I Can Dream. It also won honorable mention in the professional category. The show will be up til the end of September, check it out!

Earlier this month, when I was dropping off the painting, we toured the current exhibits at the museum. In the same gallery my painting is currently hanging was a drawing by the artist Carroll Cloar. (His work is featured at the ASU Library. It’s the giant mosaic as you walk through the doors.) He is from my hometown. I remember my great grandmother telling me stories about him. I went to Carroll Cloar workshops at our local museum. I’ve always loved his work and respected it as an artist. It was incredibly affirming to see his work where mine would soon be. Especially at the Brooks.

Here are some in-progress pictures of Great Heights:

Great Heights, Painting by Mandy Maxwell Great Heights, Painting by Mandy Maxwell Great Heights, Painting by Mandy Maxwell

Here is the tree featured in the painting:

Great Heights Tree


New Painting: Earthly Pleasures

New painting, Earthly Pleasures, watercolor on paper. 11 x 14 inches.

I snapped a few in-progress shots while I was working on it.

Earthly Pleasures - In Progress - Watercolor by Mandy Maxwell Earthly Pleasures - In Progress - Watercolor by Mandy Maxwell

(The yellow shiny part is mask that was removed.)

Game of Thrones – Khaleesi Fan Art

HBO’s Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on TV, and for good reason. The characters, the locations, the sets, the attention to detail — it’s incredible. Earlier this year while waiting for the new season, I did a couple of watercolors of one of my favorite characters, Daenerys Targaryen or the Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons. These are of my two favorite scenes of last season.

Khaleesi Fan Art by Mandy Maxwell

“Full of Heart”

[Edit: Featured on the Game of Thrones Tumblr.]

Khaleesi Fan Art by Mandy Maxwell

“Mother of Dragons”

 I don’t do many fanart-type pieces, but these were fun… Who knows? Maybe more will be inspired from the last season.


Daily Blog Photos Now Available on Canvas

For those of you who enjoy my daily photo blog, you can now buy them on high-quality canvas via Instacanvas!

mandyartist on instacanvas

Don’t forget to follow my photo blog daily!

2012 Art & Stroll Paragould Poster

I had the wonderful opportunity again this year to create the poster for Paragould’s Art & Stroll art walk. I will have a selection of my work on display for the walk at Sanctuary Yoga Studio on the south end of Pruett Street. Hope to see you out!

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