New Work

New Painting: Eyes So Green

Eyes So Green, painting by Mandy Maxwell

New painting, Eyes So Green.
Watercolor on paper. 11 x 14

This painting was inspired by my beautiful friend Jen. You might know her from the other painting inspired by her, Tribes.

Game of Thrones – Khaleesi Fan Art

HBO’s Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows on TV, and for good reason. The characters, the locations, the sets, the attention to detail — it’s incredible. Earlier this year while waiting for the new season, I did a couple of watercolors of one of my favorite characters, Daenerys Targaryen or the Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons. These are of my two favorite scenes of last season.

Khaleesi Fan Art by Mandy Maxwell

“Full of Heart”

[Edit: Featured on the Game of Thrones Tumblr.]

Khaleesi Fan Art by Mandy Maxwell

“Mother of Dragons”

 I don’t do many fanart-type pieces, but these were fun… Who knows? Maybe more will be inspired from the last season.


Picnic – Newest Painting

Picnic - A Painting by Mandy Maxwell

My latest painting went in a very different direction that other paintings I’ve done recently, kind of storybook, and I like it. It’s also very small, only 6″x9″.  So check out Picnic!