
Now streaming on Twitch

You can now join me live in my studio several days a week on Twitch TV. Here I will be painting, drawing, and sculpting while chatting with viewers. I wanted to find a good motivation to get and stay in the studio, and the Twitch art community is very accommodating.

I am looking forward to improving my live streams, and getting more comfortable talking about my conceptual work.

Find Me On Twitch

ArMOCA Bracelet Fundraiser

At the Arts & Music Festival, the new ArMOCA had a bracelet contest that I couldn’t resist to enter. The tall shape gave me an idea.. and, even though it took me way longer that I ever should have worked on this bracelet.. I did this..

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45RPM – Production Day

Back in March, Juli Jackson, director of 45RPM movie asked me to be the artist for her film about an artist. We’ve been working hard on some really exciting things coming up soon!  A few weeks ago I was invited to work with Juli on a big production day for the movie. We had a blast and filmed it ALL! Juli just so happened to post the time-lapse feed on her blog for 45RPM. I am really excited about this new project. I have a blog coming up explaining more. In the meantime, check out the video!

Production Day at Headquarters from Juli Jackson on Vimeo.